Download data about population per Wisconsin counties and the shapefile of Wisconsin counties from 2010 US Census Bureau.
Extract the Zip files that were downloaded from the online cite.
Add the shapefile and the table to ArcMap.
Join the MS Excel file to the shapefile by joining the GEO_ID field that the two tables both have.
Create a new field labeled population and make sure it is a long integer not a string data. This way there will be values to use. Then export the data to create a new shapefile labeled Population.
Go the symbology tab. Choose quantities and graduated colors and for the value choose population. Pick a color scheme that relfects the population of Wisconsin.
Go back to the US Census Bureau and choose another variable, I chose Occupied Housing Units in 2010. Download the MS Excel file for this one as well.
Once it is downloaded and extracted, create a new layer in ArcMap. Label the Layer housing. Include the shapefile of the population used in the previous layer. Add the MS Excel file into ArcMap, and join the data to the Population shapefile.
In the properties, change the symbology of the new feature class to display the Occupied Housing Untis. Normalize the data with population.
Change the projection of the layer to NAD_1983_Wisconsin_TM_US_Ft
Change from the Data View to Layout view. Place the two boxes next to each other so the Population layer and the Housing layer are side by side. Add a title, Legend, north arrow, and scale to each map.
Only using the Housing layer, change it to the WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary sphere) coordinate system. Sign into ArcGIS Online through ArcMap under File.
Go to Save As, Service. Then give it a name, and check Feature Access. In the left pane of the Service Editor, click Item Description and enter a summary, tags and description for the service. Analyze it so there is no errors, then share it.
Using Google Chrome browser, Sign in to ArcGIS Online ( Under My Content the map that was just uploaded will be there. Click on it,
In the drop down arrow next to the name to click on 'Add Layer to Map.' Your map should lay on top of the topographic basemap.
In the Configure Pop-up window, Change the title to Occupied Housing Units, then click on Configure Attributes. Only have Name and Population selected, also make sure they are labeled County and Population. Click OK twice. Save the map to complete the Web Map.
Using Google Chrome browser, Sign in to ArcGIS Online ( Under My Content the map that was just uploaded will be there. Click on it,
In the drop down arrow next to the name to click on 'Add Layer to Map.' Your map should lay on top of the topographic basemap.
In the Configure Pop-up window, Change the title to Occupied Housing Units, then click on Configure Attributes. Only have Name and Population selected, also make sure they are labeled County and Population. Click OK twice. Save the map to complete the Web Map.
Static Map of Population in Wisconsin per County and Occupied Housing Units based on Population
Web/Dynamic Map of Occupied Housing units based on the population of Wisconsin in 2010.
American Fact Finder. (2016, January). Retrieved from US Census Bureau:
Price, M. H. (2016). Mastering ArcGIS. New
York: McGraw-Hill Education .
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